PRK: 4 month update


I'm supposed to say, "I can't believe it's been 4 months already, it's gone by so fast!" Actually, it feels odd that it's ONLY been 4 months. I feel like I've been without glasses or contacts forever! It's a nice feeling.

I had another checkup yesterday, and it went really well! Before the appointment, it seemed that my vision had become a little sharper, but I can never be sure until I have my vision "tested" by a pro.

With my right eye, I could read the 20/15 line! I was reading 20/25 at the previous appointment. With my left eye (that's the troublesome little bugger), I could read the 20/20 line. It was at 20/30 at the previous appointment. (That's according to the doc, who knows what I wrote in my last post) Woohoo!!

The doc also said that I have about a -0.5 astigmatism left in both eyes. He said that it is not even correctable with contacts, as contacts start correction at -0.75. I was surprised, as I still have trouble reading signs and whatnot at a distance--the lettering still appears as ghosting, or double vision. Maybe that's just an artifact (side effect) of the surgery, or maybe that's just how people with normal vision see the world....

At any rate, the doc had some great news! He did not say anything at all about the possibility of an enhancement, and I did not ask. For the first time since the procedure, I have hope that I will not have to go through this all a second time!! I go back to the doc in six weeks. Keep your fingers crossed!

The Day After


I think that I am in shock.

I keep waiting for someone to pop out of the corner and yell, "Gotcha!"

Election Day


I voted! Did you?

I was prepared for a line at the polls, but I also had a stinking suspicion that the only poll lines being shown on the local news were the isolated long lines, and that there may be reasonable lines across the rest of the city.

I arrived around 8:00, and there was no line. Not really. The booths were taken, so I opted to fill out my ballot in the open on the table. And there were no chairs, so I was literally on my knees while filling out my ballot.

However, several coworkers told me they went to vote at 6:00 when the polls opened, and waited over an hour. I guess many other people had the same idea, and all those early bird voters were gone by the time I got to the poll.

I almost feel a sense of relief that it is over; two years is WAAAAYYYY too long for a campaign to run. However, the nervous apprehension is starting to set in. All I can do now is wait and see. And pray that it doesn't take two months to determine who won.

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